
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Permanent Paper Sign&#9854;\267E &#x267E;U+0267E
Die Face-1&#9856;\2680 &#x2680;U+02680
Die Face-2&#9857;\2681 &#x2681;U+02681
Die Face-3&#9858;\2682 &#x2682;U+02682
Die Face-4&#9859;\2683 &#x2683;U+02683
Die Face-5&#9860;\2684 &#x2684;U+02684
Die Face-6&#9861;\2685 &#x2685;U+02685
White Circle With Dot Right&#9862;\2686 &#x2686;U+02686
White Circle With Two Dots&#9863;\2687 &#x2687;U+02687
Black Circle With White Dot Right&#9864;\2688 &#x2688;U+02688
Black Circle With Two White Dots&#9865;\2689 &#x2689;U+02689
Monogram for Yang&#9866;\268A &#x268A;U+0268A
Monogram for Yin&#9867;\268B &#x268B;U+0268B
Digram for Greater Yang&#9868;\268C &#x268C;U+0268C
Digram for Lesser Yin&#9869;\268D &#x268D;U+0268D
Digram for Lesser Yang&#9870;\268E &#x268E;U+0268E
Digram for Greater Yin&#9871;\268F &#x268F;U+0268F
White Flag&#9872;\2690 &#x2690;U+02690
Black Flag&#9873;\2691 &#x2691;U+02691
Hammer and Pick&#9874;\2692 &#x2692;U+02692
Crossed Swords&#9876;\2694 &#x2694;U+02694
Staff of Aesculapius&#9877;\2695 &#x2695;U+02695
Scales&#9878;\2696 &#x2696;U+02696
Alembic&#9879;\2697 &#x2697;U+02697
Flower&#9880;\2698 &#x2698;U+02698
Gear&#9881;\2699 &#x2699;U+02699
Staff of Hermes&#9882;\269A &#x269A;U+0269A
Atom Symbol&#9883;\269B &#x269B;U+0269B
Fleur-De-Lis&#9884;\269C &#x269C;U+0269C
Outlined White Star&#9885;\269D &#x269D;U+0269D
Three Lines Converging Right&#9886;\269E &#x269E;U+0269E
Three Lines Converging Left&#9887;\269F &#x269F;U+0269F
Warning Sign&#9888;\26A0 &#x26A0;U+026A0
Doubled Female Sign&#9890;\26A2 &#x26A2;U+026A2
Doubled Male Sign&#9891;\26A3 &#x26A3;U+026A3
Interlocked Female and Male Sign&#9892;\26A4 &#x26A4;U+026A4
Male and Female Sign&#9893;\26A5 &#x26A5;U+026A5
Male With Stroke Sign&#9894;\26A6 &#x26A6;U+026A6
Male With Stroke and Male and Female Sign&#9895;\26A7 &#x26A7;U+026A7
Vertical Male With Stroke Sign&#9896;\26A8 &#x26A8;U+026A8
Horizontal Male With Stroke Sign&#9897;\26A9 &#x26A9;U+026A9
Medium Small White Circle&#9900;\26AC &#x26AC;U+026AC
Marriage Symbol&#9901;\26AD &#x26AD;U+026AD
Divorce Symbol&#9902;\26AE &#x26AE;U+026AE
Unmarried Partnership Symbol&#9903;\26AF &#x26AF;U+026AF
Coffin&#9904;\26B0 &#x26B0;U+026B0
Funeral Urn&#9905;\26B1 &#x26B1;U+026B1
Neuter&#9906;\26B2 &#x26B2;U+026B2
Baseball&#9918;\26BE &#x26BE;U+026BE
Astronomical Symbol for Uranus&#9954;\26E2 &#x26E2;U+026E2