
Rotate Video in VLC and Save

Posted Under: Tutorials, VLC, Windows on Jan 6, 2017
Videos that are recorded usually from cell phones are often out of frame and can give its viewer neck strains. To adjust its angle and make the video rotate to the perfect angle we need to adjust in VLC and then save so that the change is permanent.

Below is the sample out of axis video. We will fix its angle to the appropriate one. Angled video

Open the VLC Player and go to Tools → Effects and Filters or Press Ctrl + E VLC Video Effects

Now follow the steps shows in the image below and explain beneath it.

Rotate video in VLC
  1. Click Video Effects tab
  2. Click on Geometry Tab
  3. Select the Rotate Check Box
  4. Move the Angle knobs to your desired angle while the video is playing

Save Changes

When you are satisfied with the adjustments it is time to make these changes permanent. Go to Media → Convert / Save or Press Ctrl + R

VLC Format Conversion

Next select your video file

VLC select video
  1. Click on the File tab.
  2. Press Add... and select video.
  3. Selection will be shown here.
  4. Press the Drop down select menu.
  5. Select Convert or Press Alt + O
Select the format in which you wish to export the video, default is enough for majority of the cases. Select the destination where the file would be saved and press the Start button.

Add permanent watermark VLC

Wait for sometime till the export is done. When you are done go to Tools → Preferences or press Ctrl + P and press the Reset Preferences Button shown below.

VLC Reset Preferences

This step is vital as it restore the original state of the VLC clearing all the changes you made.
