
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Aries&#9800;\2648 &#x2648U+2648
Taurus&#9801;\2649 &#x2649U+2649
Gemini&#9802;\264A &#x264AU+264A
Cancer&#9803;\264B &#x264BU+264B
Leo&#9804;\264C &#x264CU+264C
Virgo&#9805;\264D &#x264DU+264D
Libra&#9806;\264E &#x264EU+264E
Scorpius&#9807;\264F &#x264FU+264F
Sagittarius&#9808;\2650 &#x2650U+2650
Capricorn&#9809;\2651 &#x2651U+2651
Aquarius&#9810;\2652 &#x2652U+2652
Pisces&#9811;\2653 &#x2653U+2653