
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Box drawings light horizontal&#9472;\2500 &#x2500U+2500
Box drawings heavy horizontal&#9473;\2501 &#x2501U+2501
Box drawings light vertical&#9474;\2502 &#x2502U+2502
Box drawings heavy vertical&#9475;\2503 &#x2503U+2503
Box drawings light triple dash horizontal&#9476;\2504 &#x2504U+2504
Box drawings heavy triple dash horizontal&#9477;\2505 &#x2505U+2505
Box drawings light triple dash vertical&#9478;\2506 &#x2506U+2506
Box drawings heavy triple dash vertical&#9479;\2507 &#x2507U+2507
Box drawings light quadruple dash horizontal&#9480;\2508 &#x2508U+2508
Box drawings heavy quadruple dash horizontal&#9481;\2509 &#x2509U+2509
Box drawings light quadruple dash vertical&#9482;\250A &#x250AU+250A
Box drawings heavy quadruple dash vertical&#9483;\250B &#x250BU+250B
Box drawings light down and right&#9484;\250C &#x250CU+250C
Box drawings down light and right heavy&#9485;\250D &#x250DU+250D
Box drawings down heavy and right light&#9486;\250E &#x250EU+250E
Box drawings heavy down and right&#9487;\250F &#x250FU+250F
Box drawings light down and left&#9488;\2510 &#x2510U+2510
Box drawings down light and left heavy&#9489;\2511 &#x2511U+2511
Box drawings down heavy and left light&#9490;\2512 &#x2512U+2512
Box drawings heavy down and left&#9491;\2513 &#x2513U+2513
Box drawings light up and right&#9492;\2514 &#x2514U+2514
Box drawings up light and right heavy&#9493;\2515 &#x2515U+2515
Box drawings up heavy and right light&#9494;\2516 &#x2516U+2516
Box drawings heavy up and right&#9495;\2517 &#x2517U+2517
Box drawings light up and left&#9496;\2518 &#x2518U+2518
Box drawings up light and left heavy&#9497;\2519 &#x2519U+2519
Box drawings up heavy and left light&#9498;\251A &#x251AU+251A
Box drawings heavy up and left&#9499;\251B &#x251BU+251B
Box drawings light vertical and right&#9500;\251C &#x251CU+251C
Box drawings vertical light and right heavy&#9501;\251D &#x251DU+251D
Box drawings up heavy and right down light&#9502;\251E &#x251EU+251E
Box drawings down heavy and right up light&#9503;\251F &#x251FU+251F
Box drawings vertical heavy and right light&#9504;\2520 &#x2520U+2520
Box drawings down light and right up heavy&#9505;\2521 &#x2521U+2521
Box drawings up light and right down heavy&#9506;\2522 &#x2522U+2522
Box drawings heavy vertical and right&#9507;\2523 &#x2523U+2523
Box drawings light vertical and left&#9508;\2524 &#x2524U+2524
Box drawings vertical light and left heavy&#9509;\2525 &#x2525U+2525
Box drawings up heavy and left down light&#9510;\2526 &#x2526U+2526
Box drawings down heavy and left up light&#9511;\2527 &#x2527U+2527
Box drawings vertical heavy and left light&#9512;\2528 &#x2528U+2528
Box drawings down light and left up heavy&#9513;\2529 &#x2529U+2529
Box drawings up light and left down heavy&#9514;\252A &#x252AU+252A
Box drawings heavy vertical and left&#9515;\252B &#x252BU+252B
Box drawings light down and horizontal&#9516;\252C &#x252CU+252C
Box drawings left heavy and right down light&#9517;\252D &#x252DU+252D
Box drawings right heavy and left down light&#9518;\252E &#x252EU+252E
Box drawings down light and horizontal heavy&#9519;\252F &#x252FU+252F
Box drawings down heavy and horizontal light&#9520;\2530 &#x2530U+2530
Box drawings right light and left down heavy&#9521;\2531 &#x2531U+2531