A newly identified malware, code-named "FiXS," has begun affecting ATMs across Mexican banks. The malware's name comes from an identifier found within its binary code. FiXS appears to operate similarly to the infamous Ploutus malware, utilizing an external keyboard connection to control the ATM.
Loup is a small cli-tool to cash out NCR devices. The Loup malware injects code into the application for kernel32 operations, thus it seems to use the debugger...
NVISOSPIT ATM Malware was developed by red team member during a pen-test of a Myanmar Bank, but it leaked out, and pose a threat to other ATM machines.
Piolin ATM Malware was designed specifically to target US ATM machines. It was based on previously know Ploutus ATM malware.
Winpot v3 is part of Winpot ATM Malware family. It turn ATM into a Spin Slot Machine.