
HTML Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow Code

HTML Code &#10553;
CSS3 Code \2939
HTML Entity &larrpl;
Hex Code &#x2939;
URL %26%2310553%3B
Category HTML Arrows Symbols Code

Usage Examples

To use Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow in Cascading Style Sheets or CSS file use the following code.
// css3 example usage
    span {
      content: "\2939";
To use Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow in in-line HTML code you can use it "as it is" but, it is recommend that Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow should be used like the following example code. Because it help in assigning special CSS to it.
    <!-- html usage -->
In order to send Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow via a HTML form or via a query string it should be properly encoded. Following is the URL encoded format of Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow. Do not forget to Decode it on the server side.
    https: //www.tutorialjinni.com/html-symbols-entity-codes.html? html-left-side-arc-anticlockwise-arrow-code=%26%2310553%3B